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    1、1 国际会议交流英语国际会议交流英语 2 Contents Brief Introduction of Conference Obtaining Conference Information Keeping up Pre-/Post-conference Correspondence Preparing Conference Paper Reading Manuscripts Preparing a Speech Beginning and Ending the Speech Delivering the Speech Asking and Answering Questions Formal

    2、ity in Conference 3 Contents Brief Introduction of Conference Obtaining Conference Information Keeping up Pre-/Post-conference Correspondence Preparing Conference Paper Reading Manuscripts Preparing a Speech Beginning and Ending the Speech Delivering the Speech Asking and Answering Questions Formali

    3、ty in Conference 4 会议通知 (conference notice)1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 会议日程表(conference schedule/program)会议邀请函(conference invitation)论文征集(call for papers)会议论文录用/退稿通知(acceptance/refusal of a submission)会议回执(letter of acceptance to a conference)欢迎辞(welcome speech)演讲者介绍(speaker introduction)口头报告(oral presentatio

    4、n)5 Brief Introduction of Conference Meeting Conference Congress Symposium Convention Seminar Workshop Forum Colloquium 会会 议议 Meeting会议,最一般的用词,规模可大可小,层次可高可低,可以是正式或非正式的聚会,如告别会议、联席会议、首脑会议、紧急会议等。6 Brief Introduction of Conference 会会 议议 Meeting Conference Congress Symposium Convention Seminar Workshop F

    5、orum Colloquium Conference 大会,较正式用词,使用范围甚广,多数国际会议用此词,如:Yalta Conference、International Conference on Smart Materials 等 7 Brief Introduction of Conference 会议会议 Meeting Conference Congress Symposium Convention Seminar Workshop Forum Colloquium Congress 代表大会,由正式代表出席的会议,一般规模较大,如国际地球物理学家代表大会和全国人民代表大会(Nati

    6、onal Peoples Congress)等。8 Brief Introduction of Conference 会议会议 Meeting Conference Congress Symposium Convention Seminar Workshop Forum Colloquium Convention例会,政党、学术团体、专业协会、行业或工业的成员、代表或代表团员等出席的本组织范围内正式会议。如Annual Convention of the Materials Society.9 Brief Introduction of Conference 会议会议 Meeting Conf

    7、erence Congress Symposium Convention Seminar Workshop Forum Colloquium Symposium研讨会,主要指专题性的学术会议,尤指参与者既为听众,又做演讲的聚会或会议。通常范围比较窄,主题比较突出。如:International Symposium on Polymer Hydrogel 10 Brief Introduction of Conference 会议会议 Meeting Conference Congress Symposium Convention Seminar Workshop Forum Colloquiu

    8、m Seminar讨论会,如教授定期与学生讨论他们的报告和发现、研究生班的专题讨论会。Research Seminar(科研讨论会)、Teaching Seminar(课堂讨论会)、Problem Seminar(问题讨论会)11 Brief Introduction of Conference 会会 议议 Meeting Conference Congress Symposium Convention Seminar Workshop Forum Colloquium Workshop经验交流会,讨论会一种强调信息在通常比较少的参与者之间的交流与交换,包括知识和经验,强调实际操作。如Dr.Z

    9、hang Nianyi chaired a workshop on microgel.12 Brief Introduction of Conference 会会 议议 Meeting Conference Congress Symposium Convention Seminar Workshop Forum Colloquium Forum论坛,公众会议,讨论大众关心问题的集会。如Education Forum,Finance Forum 13 Brief Introduction of Conference 会议会议 Meeting Conference Congress Symposi

    10、um Convention Seminar Workshop Forum Colloquium Colloquium学术讨论会/专题座谈会,大的学术Seminar,讨论为交换意见的会晤。Intelligent Polymer Colloquium 2008 14 Brief Introduction of Conference Plenary Sessions Parallel Sessions(Simultaneous Sessions)Poster Sessions General Assembly Formal Meetings 分组会 全体大会 张贴会 大会开幕式 Oral Prese


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